Saturday, August 30, 2008

What's Happening In The Blogging World

Well on my in everything is just peachy. Had slept a couple more days in the hospital with Nesa will catch you all up on that a little bit later at the end of my post.

But, wanted to show off my latest sewing project. I started on a chop jacket for myself you know one of those small jackets. I started on it last Saturday trying to finish it up by Sunday night but, come Sunday morning I had to rush Nesa to the hospital.

But, I started this jacket off with no pattern. I had a very old leather jacket that I had for years that just been sitting in the closet going to waste. So since I wasn't wearing it no more due to it started to fall apart. I decided to cut it carefully so I can use it as a pattern for a jacket.

Here go the jacket right after I cut it up I remember I didn't take no picture of it. So I laid it out on the table in pieces and got a couple of pics.


But, since I was making a chop jacket I only needed the top half of the jacket.

My work in progress as I go on and on.

This is what I had so far after cutting out the back the 2 front pieces even the lining pieces.


Here is after adding my lining:)
Cute huh? By the way that fabric is from a old shirt I have so much of that fabric that I decided what better way to use it then to use it for a lining.


The back, I added some long darts down the back to give it that fit feeling to my body so it wont be to loose and flabby in the back.


Ok I far here added one sleeve


Fold out half of the collar part and did some seam ironing here.
Here I added on the back collar: Oh by the way the whole jacket have 2 different color denims the fold front collar and the back collar denim on the inside is a light faded black. The outside denim jacket is blue.


Ok again the lining but, this time the collar is attached


The back part of the collar

Ok enough about the collar lol.

I wanted to do a quick try on to see how it is all coming along.
So here is a quick try on of the jacket.

As you can see still not done here have to add the bottom piece of the jacket. Sew up my raw edges to the sleeves and add buttons and button holes.


Quick update as I work in progress

As you can see still going.


But, now done.
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I just so love this jacket I put a lot of work into it did a lot of tailoring as I went thought about it as I sewn it up. So was happy to finally finish this jacket.
I added 2 buttons to the front of the jacket it can be worn out or close depending on how I feel that day. I also added a nice button in the back with a detachment so it can be unbutton but, that button the the back is more for a design I won't use that much.

Lovely huh?

Have some more sewing in progress coming up soon.

I have a couple of recon/reuse projects in mind so stay tune for that.

Also I enter 2 sewing contests over at

One is Sewing for Kids
The other one is Stash Pattern

Sewing for kids haven't yet to decide what I am going to do just yet. It starts on the first we have a whole month to finish so have plenty of time. But, I know I want to sew for Nesa since school is coming soon. I wanted to add some more clothes to her wardobe.

I found these patterns at Walmart and this Mickey Mouse fabric. I haven't yet decided which pattern to use. I know I want to do one of those shirts haven't decided. Or decided if I am going to do her a skirt, capris or some jeans hmmmmmmmm have a lot of thinking this weekend.


And for the Stash Pattern haven't decided on that either was thinking about doing that shirt that I keep talking about that I yet to cut out the fabric lol.

Ok now on with Nesa. I am going to try to keep this short because just talking about it just makes tears come to my eyes.

Well Nesa wasn't feeling good Sunday morning around 2am she was moaning and crying that her belly hurt. Since this has a enlarge liver I have to concern what can happen just by her having belly pain. But, she also felt hot to the touch checked her temp, her temp was 102.5 so I called, the on call GI doctor they told me to bring her in.

Soon as we get there she goes back to the ER. Nesa started throwing up everywhere. They checking her heartrate, temp everything. Her heartrate was way to high they hook her up to a machine to keep a eye on how high her heartrate is going. They they noticed her oxgyen level is to low so they put a oxgyen mask on her. I was so scared just watching all this. She got CT scans, Xrays and Ulrasounds so they can make sure her liver wasn't failing so quickly.

They then gave her a room while we wait for her tests to come back. They thinking she had MRSA but, it turned out to be C Difficile a infection to her intestinal tract.

This picture here is when Nesa was first in the hospital in the ER

My baby:(

Now Nesa after 4 days of pain meds and antibiotics.


See look at her all better now eatting away at her pizza.

I am just glad she is back at home. She still have to take antibiotics until this goes away. Which doctors don't think it will go to far due that it can keep coming back. So I am hoping it don't because Nesa already having diffcult time as it is with just her liver now she can have problems with her intestinal tract which way to much for a 6 year old.

She is happy and glad to be back home. School started Tuesday so I can't wait and she can't wait either.

I hope everyone have a great weekend I know I will.

Sorry no crocheting update will update with my Sudoku throw blanket soon as I am done.:)

Everyone take care.:) - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
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Crafty Christina said...

The jacket is fantastic! Poor Nesa! She is such a bravelittle girl. I'm glad she's feeling better and is home now.

Laura said...

That jacket came out really cute! I really like that Mickey Mouse fabric too.

I hope Nesa is feeling better. It's got to be so hard to have her in and out of the hospital like that.

Crochet Goddess said...

You are a very talented woman. To be able to crochet and sew to make clothing for yourself and your family. I hope Nesa will feel better soon and that all goes well for her. Take care of yourself and Nesa. She looks very happy with her pizza.

Mimi said...

I love reading your post Lesa. All the photos showing how you made your jacket, and then seeing it finished. It looks so cute and chic on you!
I am glad to see Nesa smiling again...its awfully hard on both of you, take care.

Tina said...

I'm so glad Nesa is back at home, I hope she will get better for school to start. :) I love the Mickey Mouse fabric and can't wait to see what cute things you make with it! You are so talented to make your jacket and NO PATTERN?! That is amazing. I can barely make anything WITH a pattern lol. Great job on your chop jacket. :)

RecycleCindy said...

That jacket turned out so cute. Wow I just love the look of it and the buttons. Praise God that Nesa is doing better. I'll be praying for her and your family. Take care,

Dragonflymom said...

Good to hear Nesa is home and feeling better. I love the jacket.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear Nessa is sick. Poor baby. Hope everything else is going well.

Sheila said...

Awww your little princess is having such a rough time, but glad that she is on her way to feeling better.

You did a fantastic job on the jacket and enjoyed your step by step process.

The Bookworm said...

glad to hear you are back home, Nesa is a strong little girl.
and your sewing projects are awesome.

Katriska said...

I just read this and it brought tears to my eyes. I made me remember when my daughter Elizabeth, then 11 months old, was in the hospital from rotavirus. She got it from a daycare she was attending. I hated that time because I was working for Wal-Mart and they didn't want me to take off to be with my baby. I ended leaving them shortly after. My daughter stayed in the hospital a week and a half due to dehydration. I know how you felt about your daughter.
