I am still here just a quick update on my latest work. But, first want to start off by saying EBAY ROCKS lol. Ok I like Ebay I get to win a couple of auctions on there ever now and then. But, this pass ebay auction I won I was so happy about it. Well those that don't know I also sew and I decided to do a little more sewing this year don't get me wrong I am still doing my crocheting I just love my hobbies. But, I am very picky when it comes to patterns because I can buy a sewing pattern and come home and hate how it is put together and I get so upsat after I have spend money on the pattern. For those that don't know a lot of pattren prize various depending on the brand of the pattern. So I went to ebay looking for some sewing pattern for my girls I found a couple of them but, I was looking to buy a lot of patterns so I came across this auction that I so was happy when it said, 93 kids sewing patterns from age 1 yrs old to 16 for only 15.99. I was like OMG no she aint kidding. 93 omg that is a bet for those that don't know at times you can buy just one pattern for 15.99 depending on the brand and this women had a auction for 93 patterns for the prize of one. I looked at the auction time and seen there was 11 hours left and no one bid on it so I went for it. I bidded plus I set my clock so I can get up 30 mins before the auction ended just incase I had to fight for it at the last minute lol but, nope didn't have to fight for it. I seen as the auction ended I was happy. So now today I was much happy to get my box I opened up the box counted all 93 looking at all the patterns thinking dang where will I start first so much to do. Some of the pattern I have more then 1 but, shoot I can't complain because I have got 93 patterns for 15.99 well plus 6 dollars shipping and handling but, that is still a bet. Plus I may find some sewers that may want one or two patterns. I went though the patterns there is winter, fall, spring, summer also Halloween patterns, Easter dress patterns, and so on and so on so there is a lot I can do with them all. Not being picking now lol So there you have it my great great news. So now time for me to show you all the patterns take a look.

Woo Hoo that's a lot aint it.:) My girls was going thou the patterns saying ooooo mom I want this oooo mom I want that. So my girls already have they plans set on the things they like and want.
Ok now on with the show. I finished up my daughter Nesa pj's and she like them I was happy the way they turned out.

Here she go looking oh so cute. Front

Ok Nesa be complaining at school that the lunch room be cold and they wont let the kids in the lunch room with there coats due to kids falling and tripping over each other coats so I understand that so I went to Walmart to find some denim to make Nesa a couple of denim jackets to wear while at school and came across this pretty pinkish purple denim with white faded flowers in the denim in the design so I had to get it. So I whipped up Nesa a jacket and she so loves it here she go just a showing off modeling her jacket. She now can't wait until Monday so she can wear it to school.



Close up

She wanted you all to see the buttons on the sleeves.
I found some pretty buttons to go with the jacket they flower buttons after buying them then getting to the part where I need to make the button holes for the jacket I had to do the button holes by hand because the flower buttons wasn't the size to the holes that I made with my sewing machine but, it all worked out for the best afterwards.:)
After making her a denim jacket made me want to do me one also lol. I think I will give it a try sometime next month have so much crocheting and sewing on my plate right now.
Now how my weekend will looking. Below is the start of Nesa a blue denim jacket so I cut out the denim now have to cut out the lining for the inside of the denim jacket and then get sewing.

Sorry didn't put the jacket in order, the sleeves not like they supposed to be lol just hoping I don't sew it that way lol j/k.

Here is the start of some blue denim jeans and that pinkish/ purplish denim jeans. I don't know if I will let her wear the pinkish/purplish denim jeans with the matching jacket because OMG that will be way to bright if you ask me. But, she can wear them separate. So I got the chance to cut everything out. Just have to get sewing.
Wish me luck on these denim jeans because tell you the true this will be my very very first time sewing denim jeans I always just used cotton or polyester to do pants never denim so wish me luck hoping they turn out like i want them to.
After making Nesa her pinkish/purpleish jacket Nellie cried that she want one also so I will go ahead and try to do her one also.
Ok to all my crocheters out there, I haven't forgot about my crocheting still working on it at night while laying in the bed relaxing. Working on one of my PIF's and me a shirt. So still doing that wont never forget about my crocheting just more lately I have been sewing.
Also I want to thank Laura for the award the Daily Dose:

Copy from her blog : From Xandra, creator of The Daily Dose Award: "This little award is called The Daily Dose - and here is all the important info to tell you what it is about and where it came from. This is a tribute to all the blogs that you've discovered that you can't possibly live without. They make you laugh, cry, think and feel connected every time you read a post. They give you a thrill as you see them loading into your browser and you get an equally satisfying thrill when you see that they have commented on your blog. I'd like to pass this honor along to some cherished blog friends. In a cyber world ... I often gravitate to these places for my "daily dose" ... because these particular women share bits and pieces of themselves that I just can't seem to live without. I sit in the morning with my hot cuppa Joe and stop by my "friends" to get caught up ... perhaps even a little "wrapped up" in their lives".
( My words ) Thanks Laura I enjoy stopping at your blog as well. I find myself always going into the blogging world to see what every one is up to. I get more inspired to keep on with my hobbies by reading other blogs. I also get more inspired by others giving me feedback about my blog it keeps me on the edge of my seat. So thanks Laura.:) You the best. I have so many blogs that I like to visit nearly everyday sewing and crocheting so if you find me at your blog leaving you comments then you all I feel should receive a award of Daily Dose. I just can't pick one because you all keep me inspired everyday. Reading about everybody life, kids, hobbies and so on.:)
Everyone have a great weekend and take care:) Thanks for stopping by.

Your sewing project look great. Short story about sewing and my MIL. She made her kids all their clothes and dolls, she had 3 boys and 2 girls. My husband didn't know until a couple of years ago that he didn't wear real levi's when he was a kid. (Now don't get upset some people this is just what my MIL did cause they didn't have a lot of money.) She made them Levi's and then put the old tags from a pair of real Levi's on the ones she made.
My biggest problem is just reading the sewing directions. I almost think cutting the fabric out is as hard as the sewing.
But anyhoo your projects look great. I love the pink jacket. Sorry for writing a novel. Have a great weekend!
You're welcome about the award, and I love all of your sewing projects! Pink is good! : ) I so need to learn how to sew! Nothing wrong with what Ashley's mother-in-law did, because kids' clothes are so ridiculously expensive! I can buy clothes for myself cheaper than I can for my kids, which doesn't make sense, considering how much less fabric kids' clothes uses. I buy my kids' clothes at end-of-season clearances, and second hand stores. There's this chain of kids' clothes resale shops called Once Upon a Child that I just love. I always clean up when I go there. Everything is clean and in style, and most everything is priced around $4-$5. Some of my daughter's friends parents buy them clothes at places like Limited Too, but I just can't justify spending $40 on a hoodie that my daughter will outgrow in a few months.
I agree with you both. I also noticed that kids thing cost more then adults. While at Walmart I wanted to buy my girls some more panties they was just plain white ones with 4 in a pack and they costed 6 dollars but, I noticed the adults with 6 in a pack can cost 4 dollars crazy huh. Only if I can make panties lol. But, since I can sew ever now and then I will see a outfit that my girls like or I like that cost way to much so I will go to Walmart or Joann's and get some nice pretty fabric and do it myself. I find my girls wanting me to make them clothes because when Nesa at school everyone asking her where she get this and that I guess it makes her feel good that no one else got what she got.:)
Wow! You hit the jackpot with all those patterns! Do you have time to sleep? lol You always have so much to show. Gorgeous projects as usual. :-)
That is the motherload of patterns! They cost so much just for one pattern and then the cost of the fabric and accessories makes it just about expensive as normal kid clothes. It must be hard to figure out what to do first!
Your daughters look very happy with their new stylin' clothes. I tend to think that sewing jeans is the ultimate in clothes sewing. (I loved the Levi story craftyashley!) Will you be using the really strong gold thread for the jeans?
Congrats on the Daily dose! I couldn't agree more. You are really good about posting everything often. I enjoy seeing your craft updates and seeing your daughters so happy with their new stuff!
Thanks Laurah yep surely will be using that strong thread I got some denim thread I found at Joann's that is very strong for denim works oh so great. :) I may have to pull off Ashely MIL quick move lol and put some Levi labels on there, my girls wont no the differents no matter what. Just as long as they looking good in it.:) Plus now days I have been running into a lot of teens I find making there own clothes so I guess clothes making is starting become a style. It is inspire though.:)
Holy cow! What a pattern jackpot! I got excited for you when I read what an awesome deal you got. I love deals. Your girls look so cute in their new pjs and I love the pink denim jacket. That reminds me of when I was little, I had a pink denim jacket and pink denim pants that I loved so so much. I was so sad when they didn't fit anymore. You totally deserve the award Lesa! I love visiting your blog and I come by alot to see what you've been up to. You rock!
I love ebay... sometimes! LOL
That's a great deal you got. I just bought a pattern for my grandmother that was 9 bucks! So I do know what a good deal you got.
Nesa's jacket looks very pretty! I can see why she is so happy with it. Good luck on all your future projects. It looks like you've got a lot of projects lined up now!
93 patterns... WoW! you are set for the year with sewing...lol. You've started your sewing off with a bang.. cute PJs and the pink denim jacket is awesome.
I love Nesa's pink jacket!
And oh those nice looking patterns...I'd be thrilled to if I was sewing. Can't wait to see your finished projects from those patterns.
that is a great deal on all those patterns. plus I love the demin jacket you made, the pink one as it is nice and bright, too bad you don't make them in 2xs but I would love the buttons in bright green. shows some of the sixties coming thru for me. lol.
very cute items!
Look at all those patterns!!!!!!!
Happy early bday!
hi Lesa, wow, the pj's and shirt are so cute!!! Great work!
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